MN Web Design Meetup: Steps to Better Wireframing and UX

  • Are you an UX designer? You need to read one of these books or else you'll die: Killer UX Design and Content Strategy.
  • We, as a design, web community, need to have a good conversation. We need to make sure we keep that [UX] conversation going. That's the essence of the web.
  • is hiring an entry level web developer
  • Why should we care? "Don't make customers happy. Make happy customers." Dharmesh Shah’s quote.
  • Sturgeon's law [because we have bad experiences] "90% of everything is crap."
  • Wireframe, prototype, mockup - everyone has a different idea for what they mean.
  • Clients usually seeks more than just a JPG mockup. Mockups don’t really give a taste of what experience it’ll be. Web is inherently flexible. Adapt to it.
  • Don't confuse simple drawings to UX. UX is a constant process of thinking about the user’s experience end-to-end.
  • A big question always arises: "Should we do wireframe, mockup, prototype?" To nail down your design you need a strategy. Base your decision on knowledge as opposed to assumptions.
  • "Design doesn’t exist unless there's a problem to solve. Design solves problems, otherwise it's just art." — Aaron Robbs
  • Before you choose a means of communication in your process you need to: specify the problem you're trying to solve; get to know your target group; identify competitors strengths and weakness; prepare a content strategy.
  • Idea to execution: 1. what speed level is appropriate for your project? Are you in a hurry, do you have some extra time that can be used to think design? 2. What accuracy level is appropriate for you project? Are you planning to test prototypes with users?
  • Methodology for a successful UX process: Research, Insight, UX Vision, Concept, Design
  • There are more methodology for this process mainly because we're still learning the web. Everyone's process can be different, yet successful.
  • To create a methodology, create a list: determine your steps, deliverables, time tables etc, and determine the whys.
  • You will never be finished with methodology. Communication changes over time, technology changes over time, behaviour changes over time. The web is still evolving so iterate, iterate, iterate and make sure to change yourself overtime.
  • Take, give and share: Don't reinvent the process. Stay tuned with the latest and greatest from experts through tweets, blogs, conferences etc. Read them, learn, share. Everyone's experience will vary but we all share a common goal: to make happy customers.
  • UX is about a brief discussion about approach; ask questions as to why we're making decisions.

Shaymein works at SpiderTrap, online marketing agency, here in Minneapolis and you should follow his tweets here.

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