September 19, 2009
Speaking of modern, Let’s Modernizr our CSS.
I haven't been writing often on my own site but I've been very active on Twitter. That's how I found Modernizr, through a tweet from our incredible css expert, Andy Clarke. You may ask: "What the hell Is that?" Well, Modernizr is a tool that will help get things done in browsers that don't support top-notch technology such as CSS3 and HTML5. Yeah! I'm talking about old browsers like Internet Explorer 5.5/6 and Firefox 1.0/2.0. All you have to do is add the Javascript file in your page and add a class of "no-js" to your HTML element. After the file is loaded (executed), you'll be able to use the Javascript object and all the CSS classes it'll attach to the HTML element. I've been playing around with it today and it seems pretty cool. I'm sure to put some examples here when I got a solid experience with it.
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