DisclaimerIf there is ever any doubt, the views expressed here have nothing to do with those of my employer. read more
Even though I work for Target Corp, the views expressed here are my personal views and do not necessarily reflect the thoughts, opinions, intentions, plans or strategies of my employer.
And some legalalize:
All of my online communications are provided “as is” with no warranties or indemnities of any kind, and do not confer any rights. My employer is not responsible for the accuracy of any of my online communications.
You should know that I have no ability to bind my employer to any legal obligations. By way of example, I have no authority to grant or confer any right or license, either express, implied or by estoppel, under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other rights of my employer. If you would like a license to any intellectual property or other rights of my employer, you must enter into a written contract directly with it.